Climb The Dyno
Discover adventure
DynoClimb is an indoor climbing experience unlike any other. We have something for the whole family! We are the first climbing gym in the Volusia County area and bring a unique fitness and recreation option to those who want to add adventure to their routine. Come out and take a tour and get signed up for a membership or day-pass!
The perfect way to round out your climbing and fitness routine and get yourself in the right headspace. We offer a variety of yoga styles and classes for all abilities and goals.
With group fitness classes, personal training, TRX, and a variety of free weights, cardio and other fitness equipment, there are plenty of training options to get you to your goals.
Party Room
With dedicated rooms for parties and private training events you can celebrate and engage in your own space. *Reservations required
What's a Dyno?
dy∙no / noun:
A dynamic move to grab a hold that would otherwise be out of reach. Generally both feet will leave the rock face and return again once the target hold is caught. Non-climbers would call it a jump or a leap.
We want to evolve with the sport by offering a unique climbing experience that ties into the roots of climbing while breaking the monotony.
Follow us on Instagram @dynoclimb